Struggling Financially? How Can The Fuel Store Support You?

Debt can leave you feeling vulnerable or overwhelmed. This is an issue that can impact businesses or individuals, and with rising costs and constant unpredictability, the occurrence of debt is now a very real possibility. However, this does not mean it’s a problem that must be battled alone.   


In line with Debt Awareness Week, it’s important that we address this issue head-on and break the stigmas that come with debt, and how The Fuel Store assists their customers and employees.  


If our customer has missed a payment, we will examine the situation and depending on the customer and circumstances involved, a payment plan will be negotiated to better suit the customer.  


To help businesses effectively manage how much is spent on their fuel cards, ControlMax, an additional service can be set up with accounts. This sets up a spending limit, ensuring there is no overspending.   


Our fuellers are also supported if they too run into financial worries. Our team has access to MediCash ensuring their health is looked after. Similarly, we have members within our Leadership team that have trained as Mental Health & First Aiders to best support those who need it within the business.  


Rising living costs are impacting everyone, so we understand that buying necessities can be difficult. This is why within the business, we provide our fuellers with access to breakfast, tea and coffee and lunch every last Friday of the month.


We always encourage our customers and fuellers to speak out and communicate about what is troubling them, regardless of what it is. Similarly, The Fuel Store emphasises the importance of listening and helping each other.  


If, however, there is something we cannot help with; we will always ensure that you be directed to someone more qualified who can help you.  


If you have any queries, or would like more information, please contact Customer Service on 0121 272 7780 or alternatively, you contact our team via email. 


For further advice on debt, you can visit StepChanges website for more information on some of the help that is available.