With the current ongoing economic crisis, everyone is looking to make savings anywhere they can. Here at The Fuel Store, we really appreciate how the current economic climate has or can impact our customers, so we have put in place a free invoice review process as part of the services we offer potential customers.
What is it we actually do?
We always start by identifying your needs, this will allow us to see how we can assist you and which product we offer to be most suitable for you based on your business needs. We then ask for the most up-to-date invoice you have with your current fuel card provider; this will allow us to analyse the current services you are a) paying for b) receiving and c) compare them to what we offer.
We use the above information provided by customers to provide you with a breakdown of what each suitable product has to offer, its benefits and all the terms & conditions for that product. Please note, our Fuel Card specialists can only advise which product is suitable for your business’s needs based on the information customers provide them.
As a family-run business, we aim to be as transparent as possible which is why we have no hidden fees or charges for any of our services. For more information on this service get in touch with one of our Fleet Advisors on 0121 272 7780 or by filling in our contact us form.